Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'm Okay!

I have never been graceful. And if there is some clumsy accident to be had, it will be had by me. I made an annual event out of being on crutches from 7th through 10th grade, though I never broke a bone. I was just skiing when my doctor told me not to. A year ago Labor Day I revisited my hobbling hobby by breaking my little toe, thereby wrecking that record.

Speaking of wrecking, I was pulling into the church parking lot tonight to pick up my little darlings from AWANA -- in the dark, in a parking lot with which I'm not very familiar -- and totally high-centered the family van on a curb. Nice. I'm great at making subtle entrances. After doing an entire lap around the parking lot, driving back out onto the road, and coming back into the parking lot in an attempt to find a parking spot, I was a little bit irritated. Finding a spot eventually, I tried to examine the undercarriage of the van to see the extent of the damage. Couldn't tell.

I made my way to the nursery to pick up the youngest, started down the stairs -- still miffed at myself -- while trying to spot him in the windows ahead. Bad idea. Distracted, I failed to account for that last step and crashed in a heap at the bottom, rolling my foot/ankle in the process. Tears. Lots of tears, because in the ensuing clamor to fetch my husband, ice, the boys, and the peering of anxious faces young and old, I am really feeling like the biggest idiot in the land. Nobody's fault but my own. Ah, humility. What a constant companion you are!

I apologize to the kind lady who first happened upon me, because I think I uttered a few words not approved by the AWANA staff. It wasn't the pain so much as envisioning our life the next few days -- did I mention my husband is going out of town?? -- with me not able to walk, drive, or fetch milk and snacks on a minute by minute basis.

Fortunately, it turns out to be only a badly sprained foot. So here I sit with my bandaged foot elevated above my heart and a liver-killing dose of ibuprofen in my belly. And crutches. As I kissed the boys good night, I asked them to pray for my foot. My youngest pouts and says he doesn't want to. I think he'll change his mind tomorrow when he has to fetch his own milk.

**A note to folks considering the church merger: I was offered both crutches and a wheelchair by the kind folks at ECC. Combine those with our defibrillator and we'd be ready for anything! Or at least ready for anything I can dish out. But lights for the parking lot. We definitely need lights for the parking lot....


Anonymous said...

Joining you in humiliation understanding...when I wrecked our van Wes's cell phone was dead. I had to call his boss, who was leading a meeting of 250+ people, who he proceeded to tell that I had just wrecked the van as Wes left to rescue us. Yikes. Hope you feel better soon!

Angela Miller said...

Oh No! I'm glad it is just a sprain and nothing worse.

I agree that parking lot is way too dark!!!

God Made Playdough said...

If it makes you feel any better, I was just down the hall and I didn't hear any commotion. (by the way, I'm in room "D" next to Cubbies, if you ever want to drop in and say hi) Both of those are things that I would totally do! I ran over that curb last week and gave myself a black eye on my car door in that parking lot. This proves that its not that we're clumsy, that parking lot just must be cursed or something! :) (nobody freak out, I'm still for the merger :)) I'm sorry you're hurting though! Are you still coming to the retreat? You can just sit back and relax and bring you milk and snacks, except we won't have any milk, but I'm sure there will be choclate! You still have to come!!!

Keren said...

hehe Im laughing at you...not because you got hurt, but b/c you mentioned in the midst of your pain last night, that I'll be reading this in a blog post. Youre a woman of your word :)and I said Ill be sure to comment! I hope to see you this weekend...I miss not having our JV secretary :(

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear of your glad that you were'nt hurt worse. I will pray for your foot since no one else offered!!!!! I think maybe you and Amy should take a shuttle to AWANA for everyone's safety!!!!!!!!! Then we'll have someone in that dark parking lot, a valet, waiting there to meet you both, help you out of the shuttle and escort you into the building and into your classroom!!!!! Oh, did I mention that you would also be wrapped in bubble wrap for your protection as well as ours (and the insurance company's). Seriously, I hope that you heal quickly and that your family has milk. Wendy E

Anonymous said...

Dear Sarah, I promise I will bring up the parking lot lights at our combined board meeting tonight with the Elders and Deacons of ECC. I am so sorry you were hurt! God bless you, Pastor Frank

Michelle said...

I'm sorry you hurt your foot! I felt so bad that it happened, and have been praying that it would feel better! I hope you & your boys are doing fine.

God Made Playdough said...

Missed you today!!! :)