Tuesday, December 16, 2008

In the Meantime

Another reason why our daughter needs to come home soon:

I mentioned to our 3 1/2 year-old the other day that I hoped he starts using the potty soon because I don't want to have to buy two packages of diapers each month once his sister comes home. So now he has been announcing with each diaper change, "I'll start using the potty when Baby Jo (our temporary name for her) comes." Too bad I can't get that in writing! Before that he would always say that he will only try the potty on Sundays. He never followed through on that one.

Last week when he couldn't find one of his stuffed animals I told him to go check the large box in the play room -- where the vast majority of the stuffed animals have lived since we moved...three years ago -- he returned shortly thereafter and announced, "It wasn't there. Or at least it didn't appear to be."
And the "beard" was not planned.

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